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Gameplay Location

Introduces FGameplayLocation and FGameplayLocationContainer
UE 5.0
Use case
Module specifications
Runtime • Default Loading Phase
Editor • Default Loading Phase

Gameplay Location Runtime
Gameplay Location Editor


Create your Gameplay Locations

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Reuse your Gameplay Locations

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Scale your global design system across teams and producs

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Plugin overview

Branch main

A Gameplay Location is a structure that contains a gameplay tag and a weak pointer to an object implementing IGameplayLocationQuerier. It represents a description to a location that can dynamically be resolved (on-demand) on the context object it carries.

IGameplayLocationQuerier has one BlueprintNativeEvent called ResolveGameplayLocation, taking a FGameplayTag and returning an FVector. Classes that implement IGameplayLocationQuerier first:

Specify which tags they resolve in the plugin’s settings area inside Project Settings.

Define the implementation for those tags inside ResolveGameplayLocation.

When a class specifies the tags it resolves, instances of that class are always expected to fulfil those requirements by appropriately considering those tags as argument inside ResolveGameplayLocation. Using a switch statement is recommended.

The blueprint-callable methods of GameplayLocationStatics can be used to:
Test whether an object of a certain class resolves a given gameplay tag.
Make an outgoing Gameplay Location.
Resolve a Gameplay Location
UE 5.0
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