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Gameplay Tag Select

Introduces gameplay tag select nodes that are capable of automatically generating wildcard options from a tag's descendants.
UE 4.27, 5.0 ─ 5.4
Use case
Blueprint Graph Editor • K2Node
Module specifications
UncookedOnly • Default Loading Phase
Gameplay Tag Select Editor

Plugin overview

Branch v1.0.2

Gameplay Tag Select is a plugin that adds two new Gameplay Tag-based select nodes called Has Tag Select and Matches Tag Select.

They work similarly to normal select nodes but use Gameplay Tags for each option case instead. They also have the capability to:

Generate wildcard option pins automatically from all descendants of a root tag, or add option pins manually.

Toggle whether tags should match exactly or partially.

Change the type of pins that are generated.

An automatically added Gameplay Tag option pin won't prevent you from deleting that tag in Gameplay Tags Settings.

Featured image of Gameplay Tag Select

Get notified about new tags

If you're using a root tag, you'll get notified when the node can be refreshed to accustom to any newly added tag.

This is particularly useful if all descendants of a tag represent a variety of gameplay options, and you want to keep your graph up-to-date.

A note displaying under Has Tag Select

Orphaned pins

If the underlying Gameplay Tag of a connected/initialized pin is removed, the pin will still remain orphaned.

This ensures that any unwanted change can always be reversed.

Orphaned pin error displaying under Has Tag Select
Blueprint graph showcasing the usage of Has Tag Select
Here's how I currently use it in Lyra
UE 4.27, 5.0 ─ 5.4
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