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Posts about anything related to Unreal Engine 4/5
Log function names automatically with __FUNCTIONW__
Using certain macros (or compiler-generated fields) such as __FUNCTION__ and __FUNCTIONW__
TDelegate and TMulticastDelegate (since 4.26)
You can now write TDelegate and TMulticastDelegate instead of DECLARE_DELEGATE and DECLARE_MULTICAST_DELEGATE
Soft Object Reference
Generally speaking, knowing about Soft Object References as a programmer can determine whether assets are loaded all the time, or when needed.
Features I wish were possible in Unreal Engine 5
Such as traversing soft class hierarchies while the underlying class is unloaded.
TWeakPtr and TWeakObjectPtr compatibility with UObject
How does Unreal's smart pointer library work with UObjects? Let's establish a clear distinction.
New plugin! Gameplay Tag Select
Introduces Gameplay Tag based select nodes capable of automatically generating option pins from a tag's descendants.
What are 'typed' gameplay tags in C++?
Become familiar with 'typed' gameplay tags, and understand why it's used by almost all plugins on
What are GameplayTag Base/Remap Categories?
Become familiar with GameplayTag Base/Remap Categories, and understand why their usage is desire.